Sunday, February 26, 2023

Family of Hope Business Meeting

Family of Hope Annual Income and Spending Review and Discussion of FOH’s Future
Location: Zoom online
Date: January 29, 2023
Time 3:50-5 p.m.

1. Presentation and discussion of Income and Expenses (Treasurer’s) Report prepared by Susan Campbell
2. Discussion of future meetings of Family of Hope

Harvey opened the meeting with prayer.

The Income and Spending (Treasurer’s) Report was shared on-screen.
Harvey thanked Susan for compiling the Report. He noted that our aspirational budget was $16,800, but that we actually took in $11,210 in 2022. He noted that we have not stressed giving and that we still
had more than enough to give to targeted agencies. Harvey queried Susan about how incoming funds
come in. Susan: It varies. Some give monthly through bank transfer, some may give a single large
amount once a year, and some may give a larger amount every few months. Harvey queried Susan
regarding her workload in tracking finances and preparing reports. Susan responded that the workload
was not that hard except for the end of the year when closing out the year and waiting for final bank

Harvey reviewed expenditures: regarding local expenses, there was more than enough. $500 was
distributed for a local need, while $2500 was designated. He advised that Susan could petition for
postage costs. Susan disclaimed the need to do so. Harvey questioned a miscellaneous expense. Susan
said it was for Daniel Bowman as a guest speaker.

Harvey asked for questions or comments and then moved on to routine expenditures. $2800 was
allocated and distributed for routine Mennonite Conference Agencies. $3750 was allocated and
distributed to Mennonite USA agencies. Harvey asked for questions or comments.
David Weaver: David commented on our giving to Our Community Place. He suggested they may be
drifting away from Christian context. He stated further that Kingsway is doing good work and that perhaps we should shift some funds there. We need to get more information regarding this.
Harvey questioned an expenditure of $3000. Susan explained that it was a one-time donation to Open
Doors organization based on funds remaining from the 2021 overage after budgeted expenditures were
satisfied. This donation had been agreed upon by consensus.

Harvey requested reimbursement for Virginia Conference delegate fee and transportation, which would
be $60 plus the bus fee.

Roy Hange commented with admiration that the giving profile of the Family of Hope congregation
exceed that of many churches within his purview that are two and three times our size. This may be due
in part to the fact that our pastor accepts no salary.

No vote was taken and no revision to budget was determined pending investigation of Our Community
Place and discussion of maintaining the treasury based on the outcome of desire to continue the Family
of Hope Congregation as it is currently structured has been determined.

We exploring the results of the survey results concerning the continuance of Family of Hope
Harvey opened the discussion with responses to the questions posed in the survey. The survey results
were shared on the screen, with the letter M designating covenant members and the letter A designated
those who fellowship with Family of Hope but who have membership in other congregations that are
either Mennonite affiliated or of another affiliation. He stated first that he was in no way “burned out”
and would continue as lead pastor as long as his health allows.

He suggested further that we were all to answer the questions in the survey as we were led by The Spirit
to answer from an individual perspective and to continue to do that during our discussion of the survey
results. The survey questions were:
__ I believe it's time for Family of Hope to disband as an official Virginia Mennonite Conference congregation and have its members join other local congregations. (1 means you want FOH to continue just as it has been, 5 that you feel we should disband and have each person transfer their membership. )
 If we were to disband as an official congregation...
_ I would choose another church to be an active part of (1 means you would probably not choose to join another congregation, 5 that you would become an active member elsewhere, or if unsure, choose 2, 3, or 4)
__ I would be interested in maintaining ties with FOH folks interested in occasional meetings for prayer and fellowship rather than becoming a part of another church's small group or cell group

Elly: Elly admitted to confusion as to why a vote to disband as an official Mennonite Conference congregation would preclude disbanding as a fellowship of believers, why the alternative to remaining as we have been would be to transfer membership to a different congregation. She stated that she would not join another congregation because she has never experienced a fellowship such as this in any other church.
Susan: It would be sad to see FOH disbanded, but she is okay with whatever the majority decides.
Lois: She is not likely to join another church due to Covid concerns – for herself and for others-and would keep attending remotely via Zoom.
David: He chooses to go on as we have been and not go elsewhere, but not necessarily as an official congregation of the Mennonite Conference.
Harvey asked Roy how small a congregation could be and still be a valid Mennonite congregation. Roy answered that a minimum number was required to plant a church, but that he did not know the numbers required to remain in the Virginia Mennonite Conference.
Lewis: He feels he is a part of the congregation and loves the people here. He would
like to continue to be part of the congregation but doesn’t want to stay on Zoom for
the rest of his life.
Mary Ellen: She reviewed options available to them at VMRC, including bible studygroups and services at Strite auditorium. She still has a strong bond with theirformer church in Americus, GA, but would not transfer membership from Family ofHope.
Paul: Stated that he will remain in attendance with this congregation as long aspossible, just as we are.
Guy: He values the relationships within FOH, but finds it hard this way (through Zoom). He is willing to continue for the time being, but that Zoom is not a long-term option for him because it is too hard to maintain relationships.
Kent: He is not certain that the congregation is sustainable in the long term. He is not sure if the spirit that drew him to our group exists now, as we have been meeting via Zoom for so long.
Harvey added that he would prefer meeting face to face, and the topic of hybrid meetings arose.
Lively discussion ensued, with suggestions of meeting in a room at Park View Church which has a giant screen and wired sound system that makes it seem like everyone is present even if some are via Zoom. He also discussed an excellent ventilation system exists there.
The possibility of meeting in a room at VMRC was added to the discussion. Pros were listed as close proximity for Lewis and Mary Ellen, Paul and David. Whether the facilities for a large screen and optimum sound quality could be met is in question as well as permissions. Cons are ventilation.
Harvey asked Dick for his input on the survey.
Dick: He likes the proposals and would like to continue FOH. He has concerns about meeting in person. Kent asked Dick how he was in hybrid meetings that were outside, and Dick stated that he was fine with a hybrid meeting outside.
The consensus was that an outdoor venue does not afford those attending remotely to feel like a part of the meeting, or for those physically present to connect with those attending remotely, which is a great disadvantage. If we could find a place for hybrid meetings that would be safe and offer a viable solution, it would keep us connected in the manner that we all desire, while those who have reservations about meeting corporeally would still have the sense of being present.
Knowing that Kent, who normally does all the technical work to get us connected via Zoom is typically absent one Sunday each month. Elly volunteered to learn whatever is need to fill in for him on that one Sunday.
Harvey suggested experimenting for a year or two in finding and using a venue that would work well for us. Guy countered with three months.
Though no action was taken on the budget and consensus was not reached regarding continuation as a Virginia Mennonite Conference congregation, a consensus was reached that we will do all that we can to make it possible for those who wish to attend in person and those who wish to remain remotely connected will be able to convene in the best way possible. To that end, Harvey suggested that he and Kent would explore options at VMRC and at Park View as starting points, and promised for one Sunday in February to be a hybrid service.

Roy Hange brought our meeting to a close with kind words and an uplifting blessing
as benediction.

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