Sunday, December 25, 2011

January 2012 newsletter

 Family of Hope House Church                                     January 2012

Making Resolutions Work    - Harvey Yoder

One of the key factors in experiencing personal growth and change is to “begin with the end in mind,” to first be able to picture the outcome we want, i.e., the new and improved self that, with God’s help, we see ourselves becoming.   

One way to start is with a written description of that self, one done in the present tense, as though it were already true. As in, “By faith I am someone who.... I am able to...” etc. This is not to envision being some super man or woman, but simply a healthy, whole person, the kind of person we would want our own son or daughter to be. This is a bit like when we are putting a jigsaw puzzle together, with this kind description being like the picture on the puzzle box we keep in front of us as we work at fitting all the pieces together.

The second part of achieving change has to do with repeated practice, where we keep engaging in the kinds of  behaviors that are congruent with that picture, that description of our improved self.     

Practice can be of two kinds, one involving a lot of mental rehearsals in which we engage our minds in new responses to challenging situations in our lives. In doing so, we help retrain our brains to successfully live out the new behaviors we want to have become new habits and new patterns in our lives.

The other kind of practice, of course, is to actually engage in these behaviors in the real life situations we confront every day.

So first of all, we need to picture a new and more healthy, whole self, then engage in the hard work it takes to practice that self’s Christ-like behaviors over and over again until they become more natural to us. 

Notes, prayers and praises

 * OUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS OFFERING for Heifer International totaled $541.29, more than enough to buy a heifer (or two water buffaloes), plus a rabbit and a small flock of chickens for a needy family abroad. 

 * BERTHA SWARR has returned home after a stay at Oak Lea.  BILLY MAY is scheduled for hip surgery January 23. MICHAEL RIVIERA-WENGER remains at home in a stable but weakened condition.

 * JANUARY BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to James Stauffer 1/8, Susan Campbell 1/17,  Becky Morlan 1/28, Dick Dumas 1/30!
January lectionary readings

1  Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 Psalm 8 Revelation 21:1-6a Matthew 25:31-46
8  Genesis 1:1-5 Psalm 29  Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11
15 1 Samuel 3:1-20 Psalm 139:1-18 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 John 1:43-51
22 Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62:5-12 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20
29 Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28

January services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6               

1 Location: James & Ruth Stauffer 1250 Parkway Dr 22802         574-6141
Worship and Sharing: James Stauffer
Bible Study: Paul Swarr                        Carry-in Meal

8 Location:   Guy & Margie Vlasits 3448 Caverns Drive, K’town   908-0391
Worship and Sharing: Guy and Margie Vlasits
Annual FOH “business meeting” c/o Harvey Yoder                  Carry-in Meal     

15 Location: Family Life Resource Center 273 Newman Avenue    432-0531
Worship and Sharing
Bible Study, church goal-setting: Skip and Carol Tobin      Finger foods meal

22 Location: Rachel Stoltzfus 1359 Two Penny Drive                     433-3983
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Dick Dumas                                                          Carry-in Meal

29 Location: Susan Campbell 1361 Lincolnshire Dr 22802             564-1524
Worship and Sharing: Susan Campbell
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder                                          Carry-in Meal

Saturday, November 26, 2011

December 2011 newsletter

Family of Hope House Church                                   December 2011
A Subversive Christmas? 
     - Harvey Yoder

Ever notice how much attention is given to first century political leaders in  the first Christmas story?

In Luke’s gospel the story begins with the familiar words, “In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that all the world should be taxed,” followed by his noting that “this census was first taken when Quirinius was governor of Syria.”

Then in the gospel of Matthew King Herod, puppet governor of Roman-occupied Judea, becomes a prominent player in the story as well.

These kings and emperors were ruthless despots under whose rule any rebellion was met with brutal force. Like other tyrants of their time they freely ordered people crucified, tortured, beheaded or otherwise eliminated as ways of intimidating their subjects into submission.

Emperor Caesar Augustus, undisputed sovereign over most of the so-called civilized world in the first century, claimed to be a divine son of God, and a god himself, with titles like "god from god," "Lord," "Liberator," and "Savior of the world."

Thus the early gospel writers were taking their lives into their own hands by claiming the divine birth of a king born of a peasant girl in an occupied country, and by announcing the coming of another kingdom ruled by another Sovereign, Yahweh, whose son was Jesus--sovereign Lord, long awaited Messiah and Prince of Peace.

This would certainly have sounded like a form of seditious heresy to the powers of that time, and could have resulted in the Roman military dealing harshly with it, just as Herod did in ordering all the male children in the Bethlehem area to be killed to eliminate any future rival.

All of which makes Christmas more than just about festivity and merry making, but a bold announcement about who--and in the end, what power--is really sovereign, a declaration that still divides the world in two.  

Notes, prayers and praises

 * PRAY FOR MICHAEL RIVERIERA-WENGER, who has been receiving hospice care at his home at 204 Homes  Lane, Staunton, VA 24401.

 * CONGRATULATIONS TO JOSIAH DUMAS who scored in the 94th percentile range in the GED test he recently passed with flying colors.  

 * GUY VLASITS unexpectedly spent most of his 65th birthday (11/21) and the next day undergoing tests at RMH. Thankfully, he was pronounced well and was able to attend a belated birthday party the next evening.

 * BERTHA SWARR has been recovering well at Oak Lea Nursing Home and looks forward to being home soon.

 * DECEMBER BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Karen Campbell 12/26!

 * INVITE YOUR FRIENDS to our 12/11 Christmas gathering (below)!

December lectionary readings

4   Isaiah 40:1–11  Psalm 85:1–2, 8–13  2 Peter 3:8–15a   Mark 1:1–8
11 Isaiah 61:1–4, 8–11  Psalm 126  1 Thessalonians 5:16–24 John 1:6–8, 19–28
18 2 Samuel 7:1–11, 16  Luke 1:47–55  Romans 16:25–27  Luke 1:26–38
25 Isaiah 52:7–10  Psalm 98  Hebrews 1:1–4, 5–12  John 1:1–14

December services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6 (except 12/11)              

4 Location: James & Ruth Stauffer 1250 Parkway Dr 22802         574-6141
Worship and Sharing: James Stauffer
Bible Study: Paul Swarr                        
Carry-in Meal

11 Annual Christmas Celebration with other house churches at 12:30 pm
Location:  Guy & Margie Vlasits 3448 Caverns Drive, K’town       908-0391
Meditation: Bill Stultz
Plus carol singing, a children’s story, food offerings for the Food Pantry, and a money offering for Heifer International
12:30 pm Carry-in Meal
18 Location: Rachel Stoltzfus 1359 Two Penny Drive                    433-3983
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Dick Dumas                                                      
Carry-in Meal     

25 To be announced

Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 2011 newsletter

Family of Hope House Church                                            November 2011

Selling a Fake Gospel         - Harvey Yoder

One of our problems in America is that we have an enormous capacity for producing goods, but a limited number of people to buy them. So we’ve developed a huge advertising industry aimed at persuading people to buy more and more of what they don’t need and can’t afford.

Christopher Decker, in an article in the Wall Street Journal called “Selling Desire, Why Chastity is Bad for Business," notes that there was a time when advertising emphasized thrift, durability, and economy. Choices were usually made around how good a product was and how long it would last.  But a consumer society has to reverse these values, he notes, because if advertising is to succeed, and business thrive, people have to be convinced that desires alone are sufficient reasons to buy something and that all of our passions are to be indulged now, rather than denied or postponed. So the very notion of chastity has to go, he says, because that represents a mindset that is opposite from a throw away, consumer culture that urges us to get our our Visa cards to buy and use stuff with abandonment, and then simply discard it for whatever you like even better.

According to Dr. Sut Jhally of the University of Massachusetts, the right question to ask about how a given commercial affects us is not how much it influences whether we buy that particular product, but how advertising as a whole affects our buying into a whole different set of values that are counter to the ones we profess to believe. Modern advertising promotes a magical way of thinking, he says, making fantastic promises about what certain products will do for us, like offer us incredible happiness, gain the gloating admiration of all kinds of desirable people, and transform us into an instant, spectacular success. Consumerism promises all, and as such becomes a kind of religion that replaces the faith we actually claim to live by.
We need to teach ourselves and our children to talk back to the blatantly false messages we’re all hearing on television and other media every day. Or better yet, just unplug ourselves from the barrage of untruths we're being bombarded with and read or tell them some good messages of our own.  

Notes, prayers and praises

 * OUR PENNY POWER OFFERING totaled $229.29. This year’s Relief Sale sale brought in $301,477 for the worldwide relief and service program of Mennonite Central Committee, up from last year's total of $284,914. Over $7.3 million is raised each year from such sales.

 * PRAY FOR BERTHA SWARR, .who was admitted to RMH October12 with cellulitus, then transferred to Oak Lea (Room 135) October 18. Husband Paul had cataract surgeries October 12 and 26.

 * NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Neal Nelson 11/2, Rachel Stoltzfus 11/5, Paul Swarr 11/10, Emily Zhou 11/11, Michael Riviera-Wenger 11/17 and Guy Vlasits 11/21! And Elly Nelson’s birthday was 10/28.

 * ALMA JEAN AND HARVEY YODER attended the funeral service of brother-in-law Vernon Zehr in Greewood, Delaware, October 20.

November lectionary readings
6 Psalm 78:1-7 Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 1 Thess 4:13-18 Matthew  25:1-13
13 Psalm 123 Judges 4:1-7 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew  25:14-30
20 Psalm 100 Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Ephesians 1:15-23 Matt 25:31-46
27 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 Isaiah 64:1-9  1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37

November services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6 (except 11/6)              
6 Location: James & Ruth Stauffer 1250 Parkway Dr 22802         574-6141
We invite everyone to take in the Virginia Missions sponsored men’s  music service at EMHS at four, then meet for prayer and sharing afterwards.                                                      
Carry-in Meal

13 Location:   Rachel Stoltzfus 1359 TwoPenny Drive                   433-3983
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: James Stauffer                                                     
Carry-in Meal     

20 Location: Guy & Margie Vlasits 3448 Caverns Drive, K’town   908-0391
Worship and Sharing: Guy and Margie Vlasits
Bible Study: Roy Hange                                                       
Carry-in Meal     

27 Location: Susan Campbell 1361 Lincolnshire Dr 22802           564-1524
Worship and Sharing: Susan Campbell
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder                                 
Carry-in Meal

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Slide Show of FOH reunion!

Elly Nelson, a local friend of Family of Hope, has produced a beautiful slide show of our recent reunion, using pictures provided by Margie Vlasits. We thank them both!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

October 2011 newsletter

Family of Hope House Church                                     October 2011

Notes, prayers and praises

 * VIRGINIA MENNONITE RELIEF SALE is set for September 30-October 1 at the Rockingham Fair grounds.

 * PRAY FOR MICHAEL RIVIERA-WENGER, whose health condition has worsened, and for Lois as she seeks help for the care he needs.

 * OCTOBER BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Joyce Ulrich 10/14!

 * THE MT. CLINTON CHURCH OF GOD invites us to join them for their homecoming Sunday, October 9, with a worship service at 11, a covered dish meal at noon, and the Doyle Moats family singers at 2.

October lectionary readings

2   Ex 20:1–4, 7–9, 12–20 Psalm 19 Phil 3:4b-14 Matt 21:33–46
9   Ex 32:1–14 Psalm 106:1–6, 19–23 Phil. 4:1–9 Matt. 22:1–14
16 Ex. 33:12–23 Psm 99 1 Thess 1:1–10 Matt 22:15–22 Luke 16:19-31
23 Deut 34:1–12 Psalm 90:1–6, 13–17 1 Thess 2:1–8 Matt 22:34–46
30 Josh 3:7–17 Psalm 107:1–7, 33–37 1 Thess 2:9–13 Matt 23:1–12

October services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6         
2 Location: James & Ruth Stauffer 1250 Parkway Dr 22802         574-6141
Worship and Sharing: James Stauffer
Bible Study: Paul Swarr                                                            Carry-in Meal

9 Location:   Rachel Stoltzfus 1359 TwoPenny Drive                     433-3983
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder                                                       Carry-in Meal     

16 Location: Guy & Margie Vlasits 3448 Caverns Drive, K’town   908-0391
Worship and Sharing: Guy and Margie Vlasits
Bible Study: Dick Dumas                                                         Carry-in Meal     

23 Location: Susan Campbell 1361 Lincolnshire Dr 22802           564-1524
Worship and Sharing: Susan Campbell
Bible Study: Ellie Nelson                                  Carry-in Meal

30 Location: Family Life Resource Center 273 Newman Ave.        432-0531
Worship and Sharing: Karla May
Bible Study: James Stauffer                               Carry-in Finger Foods Meal           

Family of Hope Directory

Atwell, Cathy
Blackburn, Gail
Campbell, Susan  
Campbell, Karen
Dumas, Dick
Levesque, Trish 
May, Karla
Morlan, Becky
Nelson, Neil & Elly
Riviera-Wenger, Michael & Lois
Stauffer, James & Ruth
Stoltzfus, Rachel
Swarr, Paul & Bertha
Ulrich, Joyce
Vlasits, Guy & Margie
Yoder, Alma Jean & Harvey

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Word from the Pastor

Like many of you, I'm concerned about the nature and focus of an event planned for the Court Square Theater at 3 pm on the tenth anniversary of 9/11 as described below. Having heard Del Rosso's presentation at Dean Welty's home a number of months ago, I debated whether to accept my friend Dean's strong invitation to have folks like me attend the event this Sunday, and expressed my wish that he had chosen a more moderate and less incendiary speaker for the occasion. But it's their program.

After some reflection, I've decided to attend to simply be a part of a respectful, alternative presence, and to use much of the time to silently pray for a spirit of "peace and goodwill toward all" to fill the room. So I invite you to join me and others in this kind of quiet demonstration of shalom/salem. There is to be an open mic time for comments and questions in which those of us who wish can respectfully express our convictions and concerns.

I'm also suggesting we all wear something black as a sign of mourning for the terrible devastation and loss of life that happened ten years ago, as well as our mourning the hatred, animosity and violence that has followed on the part of so many on all sides. All of this is entirely up to you, of course, as I am not speaking officially as a member of any group in urging this "pray-in." I do however feel the support of many in my church, in the local FOR chapter of which I am a part, and from many other good friends and colleagues like you.

My personal appeal, for whatever its worth, is to leave all placards, literature or any other demonstrations of protest (or heated arguments) outside the door--or for another venue.

For some background reading, here's a link to my op-ed on the editorial page of the DNR Monday. I also strongly recommend your reading Jewish writer Eliyahu Stern's 9/2/11 piece on sharia law in the New York Times entitled, "Don't Fear Islam's Law in America."

And please don't miss the "Turning Toward Peace" event at Harrisonburg's Court Square this Saturday evening at 7 pm, and check out the events set for EMU at
Harvey Yoder

Invitation  ---  In Remembrance of 9-11  ---  Free Admission

Target America:  Why Did It Happen & Can It Happen Again?”

3:00 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 11, at Court Square Theater

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.  … The Quran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”
Omar Ahmad, Founder and former Chair of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)

 *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *
Please join us for a special 10th anniversary commemoration of the 9-11 attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. The event is free and open to the public.      

The Program:  “Shariah – The Threat to America”

We will remember the victims and their families, and we will also honor representatives of the heroic first responders.  Most importantly, however, we will look at lessons learned since that time.  Specifically, is there something in Islam that has declared war on America and on our freedoms?  If so, what is it, who is leading this “jihad” – including efforts to impose Shariah law on America and into our courts, and what can we do to protect ourselves?  In that regard, what is our government doing – or not doing -- to block these efforts?

Finally, how can we help authentic Muslim moderates and reformers face the difficult task of standing up to and opposing Shariah-adherent Muslims who exert overwhelming pressure, financial resources, threats, and violence to gain and maintain support for their jihadist campaign for global domination – including in America?  

Keynote Speaker:  Michael Del Rosso
Mr. Del Rosso is a Research Fellow in National Security Policy at the Claremont Institute as well as a Senior Fellow for Homeland and National Security at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC.  He is also co-author of a recent book entitled Shariah: The Threat to America.  Other contributors include former CIA Director James Woolsey and Frank Gaffney, founder and president of CSP.  Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the theater.

The event is co-sponsored by the Valley Family Forum, the Shenandoah Valley TEA Party Patriots, and ACT for America.

 *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *

P. S. The entire report, Sharia: The Threat to America, can be read as a PDF file on line. Also, ironically, I find the Omar Ahmad quote above to be strikingly similar to statements expressed by members of the Dominion Theology movement endorsed by many on the conservative right today (including some presidential candidates). Just substitute the word "Christianity" for "Islam" and the "Bible" for "Quran," and you'll see my point. Harvey

Saturday, August 20, 2011

September 2011 newsletter

Family of Hope House Church                   

Celebrating a 24-year journey

They came from Richmond, Akron, Arlington, Ashville and from up and down the Valley. Over forty past and present members of the FOH family gathered at the Old Massnutten Lodge in Keezletown for its first reunion and homecoming held on the weekend of August 13-14.. Many others who were not able to come, from places as far away as California, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Oregon, sent their regrets and conveyed their best wishes to the group.

A Saturday afternoon outdoor picnic was followed by guests gathering in a circle in order of the approximate year they became a part of the congregation and sharing their stories. A common theme was that of a small congregation reaching out to people who felt alienated and  marginalized by their churches and needing a spiritual family to call their home. There was also recognition of people who served elsewhere at some time during their sojourn with FOH, in Ethiopia, Germany, Guatemala and El Salvador and elsewhere, adding to the church’s sense of being a part of a larger world community.

A table in the Great Room of the Lodge held pictures of past events of the church, copies of old newsletters and other items of interest.

On the next day a Sunday noon fellowship meal was followed by a worship service that included the singing of favorite hymns associated with past memories of house church worship services and by a Bible study and sharing time based on Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians and the theme, “We have this treasure in jars of clay.” A display of ceramic ware in various stages of completion covered a coffee table in the middle of the group and became the basis for reflection on Jesus as God’s treasure and the source of all life and hope.

Family of Hope thanks all who came and especially Margie and Guy Vlasits for being gracious hosts for the event, as well as all others who contributed to the weekend’s success.

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”                                      - II Corinthians 4:7-9

Check out a neat slide show highlighting the event done by a local friend of the church, Elly Nelson, using photos provided by Margie Vlasits.

Notes, prayers and praises
 * VIRGINIA MENNONITE RELIEF SALE is set for September 30-October 1 at the Rockingham Fair grounds.



 * WE WELCOME JOSIAH DUMAS back to our community. He is living with his father at 816 Virginia Avenue and is looking for carpenter or other work in the area.

.* CONTRIBUTE TO PENNY POWER this month to help fund water projects in needy areas of the world.

 * WE ENCOURAGE SPECIAL GIFTS TO MCC and other food relief organizations to help those enduring incredible suffering in Somalia, Kenya and other drought-stricken parts of Africa.

September lectionary readings

4   Psalm 149, Exodus 12:1-14, Romans 13:8-14, Matthew 18:15-20
11 Psalm 114, Exodus 14:19-31, Romans 14:1-12, Matthew 18:21-35
16 Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45, Ex. 16:2-15, Philippians 1:21-30, Matt. 20:1-16
25 Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16, Ex. 17:1-7, Philippians 2:1-13, Matthew 21:23-32

September services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6            
4 Location: James & Ruth Stauffer 1250 Parkway Dr 22802        574-6141
Worship and Sharing: James Stauffer
Bible Study: Skip and Carol Tobin, Virginia Mennonite Missions                                                            
Carry-in Meal

11 Location: Guy & Margie Vlasits 3448 Caverns Drive, K’town 908-0391
Worship and Sharing: Guy and Margie Vlasits
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder                                                              Carry-in Meal

18 Location: Rachel Stoltzfus 1359 TwoPenny Drive                     433-3983
Worship and Sharing: Karla May
Bible Study: Dick Dumas                                                              Carry-in Meal

25 Location: Susan Campbell 1361 Lincolnshire Dr 22802          564-1524
Worship and Sharing: Susan Campbell
Bible Study: James Stauffer                     
Carry-in Meal

Sunday, July 31, 2011

August newsletter

Family of Hope House Church                                       August 2011

“Re-membering” at FOH reunion

I heard a story on NPR some time ago of a man using a table saw who accidentally cut off one of his fingers. The severed body part flew off into the corner of his shop among scraps of wood, sawdust and other debris. After he managed to stop the bleeding he and his family looked frantically for the missing member of his body, hoping they could take it with them to the hospital to reattach it and save it.

Remembering is something like that. Sometimes a prized part of us becomes lost, has for some reason been dis-membered. Maybe our parents or others have intentionally hidden some significant part of our family’s story from us. Or maybe we’ve just plain forgotten some things from lack of reviewing some parts of our story. Or we may have willfully cut off some painful part of our past we simply didn’t want to deal with, or some relationship we no longer wanted to be apart of.

But distancing ourselves from parts of our past can be like losing a part of ourselves, like a body part, or member. In remembering we are re-attaching, are re-connecting, so that healing and growth can take place.

At our August 12-14 Family of Hope reunion we have the opportunity to be blessed by re-connecting with some members of our congregational body’s past. We anticipate lots of joy in that, and want to be open to any opportunity for healing as well.

August lectionary texts

8/7 Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 Romans 10:5-15 Matthew 14:22-33
8/14 Psalm 133 Genesis 45:1-15 Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32 Matthew 15:10-28
8/21 Psalm 124 Exodus 1:8-2:10 Romans 12:1-8 Matthew 16:13-20
8/28 Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c Exodus 3:1-15 Romans 12:9-21 Matthew 16:21-28

Notes, prayers and praises

 * A FAMILY OF HOPE REUNION will be held at Guy and Margie Vlasit’s
Old Massanutten Lodge Saturday, August 13, beginning with a noon picnic and cookout and continuing with fellowship and reminiscing in the afternoon. At 12:30 Sunday we will have a carry-in meal and informal worship service at the Lodge. You can find reunion updates online at

 * PRAY FOR BECKY MORLAN, whose mother recently passed away, and for KARLA MAY, with a serious condition affecting her aortic heart valve.

 * BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Gail Blackburn 8/30! Michael and Lois Riviera-Wenger’s anniversary is 8/2, Alma Jean and Harvey’s is 8/8 and James and Ruth Stauffer’s 8/30.

 * ELLY AND NEIL NELSON’S new phone number is 540-430-0563.

.* MICHAEL AND LOIS RIVIERA-WENGER returned to Kentucky July 17, where Mike will stay temporarily while Lois spends some time with her daughter Tonya in the Tidewater area. Continue to pray for their son Scott who has been deployed to Afghanistan.

 * RACHEL STOLTZFUS went to spend some time with her daughter in Hyattsville, Maryland, in July.

August services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6 (except 8/14)              
7 Location: James & Ruth Stauffer 1250 Parkway Dr 22802        574-6141
Worship and Sharing: James Stauffer
Bible Study: Paul Swarr                                                            
Carry-in meal

14 Location: Guy and Margie Vlasits 3448 Caverns Dr,  K’town    908-0391
12:30 Carry-in Meal, followed by informal worship, singing and sharing
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder                                                             

21 Location: Family Life Resource Center 273 Newman Ave         432-0531
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Dick Dumas                     
Carry-in sandwich and finger foods meal

28 Location: Susan Campbell 1361 Lincolnshire Dr 22802          564-1524
Worship and Sharing: Susan Campbell
Bible Study: James Stauffer                  
Carry-in meal

Friday, July 8, 2011

Family of Hope Reunion update

A Family of Hope reunion/picnic is being planned for 12 noon Saturday, August 13, and 12:30 pm Sunday, August 14, at the Vlasits' Old Massanutten Lodge B & B near Keezletown. The Saturday event will begin with a cookout and include lots of sharing and visiting. The Sunday noon meeting will begin with a carry-in meal brought by current members, followed by a service of singing, sharing and worship. 
Free lodging is available for out of town guests. Please contact to add more names, for more information or to indicate you can attend.

Here's a partial list of past members and attendees over the past twenty years, with those who have already expressed an interest in attending (besides our local members, of course) in italics:

Armetsriter, Sue
Blackburn, Gail
Boardman, Lynn
Bontrager-Thomas, Sherry ??
Brainard, Kate
Czecholinski, Laurie and Ron
Detweiler, Wayne
Dumas, Cande, Josiah
Eliot, Kari
Gilmore, Sherry
Glunt, Mark and Donna  
Good, Dorothy, Ronnie and Jason
Gottfried, Eric and Rosella
Greenawalt, Ted and Kimberlee
Gullman, Dave and Debbie
Hairston, Will and Susie
Harrelson, Charles
Hinz, Fred and Rachel
Horton, Heather
Ivanitsky, Serge and Dora
Johnson, Bruce and Ann
Kanagy, David
Kreider, Barry and Erika
Kuepfer, Amy and Clayton
Lenker, Mark and Marie
Levesque, Trish
Martin, Bruce and Jewel
Matthews, Chris (formerly Sottolano)
Morlan, Becky
Moyers, John
Nafziger, Marj
Patterson, Audrey
Raboin, Peggy
Rossen, Judy
Sacra, Donna
See, Adela
Sottolano, Craig and Jenn
Weaver, Karen
Weaver, Shari
Webb. Ron
Westfall, Michael and Julie
Underwood, Donnie and Jeanine
Youman, Austin
Zimmerman, John and Ruth Ann

July 2011 Newsletter

Family of Hope House Church                                        

July 2011

We are one in the Spirit

We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
And we pray that all unity
May one day be restored. 

Chorus: And they'll know we are Christians by our love,
By our Love,
Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love.

We will work with each other,
We will work side by side.
We will work with each other,
We will work side by side.
And we'll guard each man's dignity
And save each man's pride.


We will walk with each other,
We will walk hand in hand.
We will walk with each other,
We will walk hand in hand.
And together we'll spread the News
that God is in our land.


All praise to the Father,
From whom all things come,
And all praise to Christ Jesus,
God’s only Son,
And all praise to the Spirit,
Who makes us one.

copyright 1966 Peter Scholte (with permission)

Notes, prayers and praises

 * VIRGINIA MENNONITE CONFERENCE ASSEMBLY meets at Eastern Mennonite School July 28-31. Everyone is welcome to the inspirational evening sessions at the EMHS auditorium.


 * BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Billy May 7/30, and Lois Riviera-Wenger 7/30!  Guy and Margie’s anniversary is 7/27. Sorry we missed having Isaiah May’s birthday listed last month, June 27!

.* WE WELCOME MICHAEL AND LOIS RIVIERA-WENGER as new members of Family of Hope! Their address is 204 Homes Lane, Staunton, VA 24401. 502-525-8650. Pray for their son Scott who is being deployed in Afghanistan.

 * PRAY FOR RACHEL STOLTZFUS, who was at RMH due to another mild stroke May 28-30, for BERTHA SWARR who is at Oak Lea for more physical therapy, and for KARLA MAY, diagnosed with heart problems.

July services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6 (except 7/31)              
3 Location: Guy and Margie Vlasits 3448 Caverns Drive,  K’town 908-0391
Worship and Sharing: Guy and Margie Vlasits
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder                                                             
Carry-in Meal

10 Location: We are meeting with the Mt. Clinton Church of God  867-9162 congregation, located just west of Mt. Clinton at 4 p.m.
Bible Study: Pastor Michael Fallin                
Billy and Karla May will provide the “kettle meal.” We are to bring salads.

17 Location: James & Ruth Stauffer 1250 Parkway Dr 22802        574-6141
Worship and Sharing: James Stauffer
Bible Study: Paul Swarr                                                            
Carry-in Meal

24 Location: Susan Campbell 1361 Lincolnshire Dr 22802          564-1524
Worship and Sharing: Susan Campbell
Bible Study: Dick Dumas                     
Carry-in Meal

31 Location: Mass meeting of area Mennonite congregations at EMU’s University Commons at 10 a.m. with pre-gathering music starting at 9:45. Pastor Danisa Ndlovu, President of Mennonite World Conference and bishop of the Zimbabwe Brethren in Christ Church. will speak,. Lunch will be served afterwards for a suggested donation of $6.

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 2011 Newsletter

Family of Hope House Church                                           June 2011

Family of Hope Reunion!

Family of Hope House Church is planning a reunion 12 noon Saturday, August 13, and a Sunday, 12:30 pm August 14 at the Vlasits’ Old Massanutten Lodge, with rooms reserved for out of town guests. Please contact <> if you can help add to this growing list of past members and attendees from the past twenty years:

Blackburn, Gail
Bontrager, Sherry
Brainard, Kate
Czecholinski, Laurie and Ron
Dumas, Cande, Josiah
Glunt, Mark and Donna
Good, Dorothy, Ronnie and Jason
Gottfried, Eric and Rosella
Greenawalt, Ted and Kimberlee
Gullman, Dave and Debbie
Hairston, Will and Susie
Harrelson, Charles
Horton, Heather
Ivanitsky, Serge and Dora
Johnson, Bruce and Ann
Kanagy, David
Kreider, Barry and Erika
Lenker, Mark and Marie
Levesque, Trish
Morlan, Becky
Moyers, John
Nafziger, Marj
Patterson, Audrey
Rossen, Judy
See, Adela and family
Sottolano, Chris (need new last name and contact information)
Sottolano, Craig and Jenn
Weaver, Karen
Weaver, Shari
Westfall, Michael and Julie
Underwood, Donnie and Jeanine
Zimmerman, John and Ruth Ann
Zhou, Jack and Bo, Emily and Elianah
FOH Covenanting Statement:
"I support the goals, vision and faith of Family of Hope, will attend weekly services as regularly as I am able, and will use my gifts and offer my encouragement to this church family to the best of my ability. I invite other members to support me--and to confront me  as needed--in being faithful to this commitment."

Notes, prayers and praises

 * BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Sophie May 6/2, Karla May 6/16 and Harvey Yoder 6/30!
 * CONGRATULATIONS TO RANDY MAY on his graduation from Turner Ashby High School June 11!
 * BECKY MORLAN is  the proud grandmother of twins, Lillian Josephine and Logan James, born March 28.
 * ALMA JEAN YODER plans to be in Rochester, NY, June 16-30 to help take care of the new grand-twins born June 3, Maria Irene, 7 lb., 6 oz. and David Samuel, 7 lb., 8 oz. Harvey will also be there for a part of that time.
 * PRAY FOR RACHEL STOLTZFUS, who was at RMH due to a mild stroke May 28-30, and for BERTHA SWARR who is at Oak Lea for more physical therapy.

June services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6
Theme: “Pure and Simple, The Church of God’s Dream”               
5 Location: James & Ruth Stauffer 1250 Parkway Dr 22802          574-6141
Worship and Sharing: James Stauffer
Bible Study: “Who is the Holy Spirit?” Paul Swarr                                                              
Carry-in Meal

12 Location: Guy & Margie Vlasits 3448 Caverns Drive,,K’town   908-0391
Worship and Sharing: Margie Vlasits                                 
Bible Study: “Pentecost: Old Men Dreaming Dreams” Harvey Yoder              
Communion and annual membership re-covenanting                 Carry-in Meal

19 Location: Rachel Stoltzfus? 1359 TwoPenny Drive 22802         433-3983
Worship and Sharing: Karla May
Bible Study: “Bearing Witness to Our Father’s Love” Dick Dumas
Carry-in Meal

26 Location: Joyce Ulrich 1029 Shenandoah Street Apt 101 22802        246-1013
Worship and Sharing:
Bible Study: Lois Wenger
Carry-in Meal

     “God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as a community of grace, joy and peace, so  that God’s healing and hope may flow though us to the world.”

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Family of Hope Reunion

A Family of Hope reunion/picnic is being planned for 12 noon Saturday, August 13, and 12:30 pm Sunday, August 14, at the Vlasits' Old Massanutten Lodge near Keezletown. Free lodging is available for out of town guests. Please contact to add more names, for more information or to indicate you can attend.

Here's a partial list of past members and attendees over the past twenty years:
Blackburn, Gail
Bontrager, Sherry
Brainard, Kate
Czecholinski, Laurie and Ron
Dumas, Cande, Josiah
Glunt, Mark and Donna
Good, Dorothy, Ronnie and Jason
Gottfried, Eric and Rosella
Greenawalt, Ted and Kimberlee
Gullman, Dave and Debbie
Hairston, Will and Susie
Harrelson, Charles
Horton, Heather
Ivanitsky, Serge and Dora
Johnson, Bruce and Ann
Kanagy, David
Kreider, Barry and Erika
Lenker, Mark and Marie
Levesque, Trish
Morlan, Becky
Moyers, John
Nafziger, Marj
Patterson, Audrey
Rossen, Judy
See, Adela and family
Sottolano, Chris (need new last name and contact information)
Sottolano, Craig and Jenn
Weaver, Karen
Weaver, Shari
Westfall, Michael and Julie
Underwood, Donnie and Jeanine
Zimmerman, John and Ruth Ann
Zhou, Jack and Bo, Emily and Elianah 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

May 2011 Newsletter

Family of Hope House Church                                           May 2011

May services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6 (except 5/29)

Easter to Pentecost Study Theme: “Pure and Simple, The Church of God’s Dream”               
1 Location: Paul and Bertha Swarr 1260 Parkway Dr 22802          434-2607
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: “From Genesis to Revelation, Church at the Center of God’s Mission” Paul Swarr                                                         
Carry-in Meal

8 Location: Rachel Stoltzfus  1359 TwoPenny Drive 22802           433-3983
Worship and Sharing: James and Ruth Stauffer                                 
“From Simple House Churches to Emperor Constantine’s Cathedrals--A Three Hundred Year Revolution” Harvey Yoder                   Carry-in Meal

15 Location: Family Life Resource Center (with invited guests)
Two-hour study: “From Dream to Reality-- Growing Churches Organically” Phil Kniss, pastor of Park View Mennonite Church
Pizza Meal

22 Location: Susan Campbell 1361 Lincolnshire Dr 22802          564-1524
Worship and Sharing: Susan Campbell
Bible Study: “From Shenandoah to Saigon and Home Again--How the Church has Nurtured and Sustained Us” James and Ruth Stauffer
Carry-in Meal

29 Worship at 10 am with the “Early Church” at  Our Community Place, 17 E. Johnson Street, followed by Q & A with Pastor Ron Copeland and a 12:30 noon meal (optional)

Notes, prayers and praises

 * “PURE AND SIMPLE--THE CHURCH OF GOD’S DREAM” will be the theme of our Bible studies from Easter through Pentecost.

 * BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Margie Vlasits 5/1 & Alma Jean Yoder 5/15!

 * NEIL AND ELLY NELSON now  live at 338 S. College Ave.    246-9218

 * FAMILY OF HOPE’S NEW BLOG SITE has updated newsletter and other information at <>.

May Lectionary Readings:

5/1:   Psalm 16, Acts 2:14a, 22-32, John 20:19-31, 1 Peter 1:3-9
5/8:   Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19, Acts 2:14a, 36-41, Luke 24:13-35, 1 Peter 1:17-23
5/15: Psalm 23. Acts 2:42-47, 1 Peter 2:19-25, John 10:1-10
5/22: Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16, Acts 7:55-60, 1 Peter 2:2-10, John 14:1-14
5/29: Psalm 66:8-20, Acts 17:22-31, John 14:15-21, 1 Peter 3:13-22

Church, Simple and Sustainable         Harvey Yoder

When I tell people I’m part of a house church, I often get a puzzled look. They can see cell groups meeting in homes, but how can you be a real congregation and not meet in some kind of church building?

   Yet for the first centuries after Pentecost, nearly all Christians met in homes for their worship and Eucharist meals. Most of the New Testament letters are addressed to such home-based congregations all over the Roman empire. With no pipe organs, pulpits, pews, or paid clergy, believers regularly gathered in the living rooms or courtyards of one of their members to share “a hymn, a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation of a tongue” for the building up of the church. (1)

   Since there were no “Sundays” set aside for such gatherings, Christians often met either early in the morning or at the end of an ordinary work day for apostolic teaching, fellowship and the “breaking of bread.” An example of one such service found in Acts describes a group of believers meeting by lamplight in an upstairs room--on the evening of the “first day of the week.” (2)

   By the second century AD some congregations had renovated houses or “basilicas” as special places for worship, and by the time the Emperor Constantine officially endorsed Christianity in the fourth century, modest houses of worship had become relatively common in many urban areas. Then Constantine himself launched a gigantic campaign of building elaborate and expensive edifices for Christian worship all over the empire, efforts that earned him widespread popularity and acclaim.

   The rest, as they say, is history.

   I don’t oppose the idea of church buildings as such, and I actually enjoy pipe organs. And I don’t believe that homes are the only proper settings for worship. But since there is an actual surplus of empty pews in our community, I’d at least like to see a moratorium on investing ever more money in church real estate in favor of other creative options for worship spaces, such as churches sharing facilities (meeting at different times of the day) or utilizing other existing meeting places in the community.     

   And then to invest some of the millions of dollars saved in projects like building Habitat for Humanity homes for the poor or feeding the hungry.

   That would send the kind of message even a skeptic could understand.
                                                                     (1) I Corinthians 14:26  (2) Acts 20:7-17

Saturday, March 26, 2011

April 2011 newsletter

Family of Hope House Church                                       April 2011


Will you come and follow me,
If I but call your name?
Will you go where you don't know
And never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown,
will you let my name be known,
will you let my life be grown
in you and you in me?

Will you leave your self behind
if I but call your name?
Will you care for cruel and kind
and never be the same?
Will you risk the hostile stare
should your life attract or scare,
will you let me answer prayer
in you and you in me?

Will you love the 'you' you hide
if I but call your name?
Will you quell the fear inside
and never be the same?
Will you use the faith you've found
to reshape the world around
through my sight and touch and sound
in you and you in me?

Lord, your summons echoes true
when you but call my name.
Let me turn and follow you
and never be the same.
In your company I'll go
where your love and footsteps show.
Thus I'll move and live and grow
in you and you in me.
                            - John Bell (Iona community) by permission
to hear the melody, log on to

Notes, prayers and praises

 * OUR ANNUAL EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE will be at 8 am April 24 at the Massanutten Caverns entrance, followed by a time of Easter singing and a brunch at the old Massanutten Caverns Lodge. 

 * APRIL BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Bertha Swarr 4/13, Jack (Hong Yan) Zhou 4/14, Cathy Atwell 4/19, Bo Hu 4/20 and Randy May 4/21!

 * BECKY MORLAN’s new phone number is 952-500-3492  and GAIL BLACKBURN’s is 276-531-8925.

 * FAMILY OF HOPE’S BLOG SITE has updated newsletter and other information at <>.

April Lectionary Readings:

4/3: 1 Samuel 16:1-13  Psalm 23  Ephesians 5:8-14  John 9:1-41

4/10: Ezekiel 37:1-14  Psalm 130  Romans 8:6-11  John 11:1-45

4/17: Isaiah 50:4-9a  Psalm 31:9-16  Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew  27:11-54

4/24: Jeremiah 31:1-6  Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24  Colossians 3:1-4  Matthew 28:1-10

April services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6, (except 4/ 24)                 
3 Location: James and Ruth Stauffer 1250 Parkway Dr 22802      574-6141
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: “A Walk Through a Dark Valley” Paul Swarr
Carry-in Meal

10 Location: Susan Campbell 1361 Linconshire Dr 22802            564-1524
Worship and Sharing: James and Ruth Stauffer
Bible Study: “Life in a Valley of Dry Bones” Harvey Yoder
Carry-in Meal

17 Location: Rachel Stoltzfus1359 TwoPenny Drive 22802           433-3983
Worship and Sharing: James Stauffer
Bible Study: “A Prayer in the Depth of Darkness” Dick Dumas
Carry-in Meal

24   8:00 am Easter sunrise service, Easter singing amd brunch!
Location: Guy & Margie Vlasits 3448 Caverns Drive, K’town        908-0391
Meditation: “A Burst of Easter Light”
Brunch at 10 am.

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 2011 newsletter

Family of Hope House Church                                       March 2011

Mandate to Pharaohs: “Let my people go”

February 11, 2011 will go down in history as the day ordinary Egyptian citizens successfully ousted a modern day Pharaoh, in a nonviolent revolution sparked by the recent successful uprising in Tunisia. It’s hard not to see this as a miraculous feat, given the kind of oppressive and dictatorial rule Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak successfully maintained in that country for over 30 years.
     Which reminds me of the truly miraculous deliverance recorded in the Bible’s book of Exodus, one that took place in that same country over 3000 years before. The God of the universe, having heard the cries of the thousands of Hebrew slaves who labored there under brutal and harsh conditions, unleashed a series of disasters that finally led the Pharaoh to heed the words of Moses, God’s chosen liberator, “Let my people go!”
     Since the beginning of time, the world’s Pharaohs, intent on maintaining power and adding to their lavish empires, have not given up their positions easily. But in the face of multitudes who manage to totally lose their fear and live only by their faith and hope, they can be rendered powerless. No amount of military might can stop them. God can either change the hearts of military leaders, as in the case of the 2/11 revolution, or can cause their chariots to mire down hopelessly as they pursue their subjects, as in the case of the 1290 BCE revolution.
     What can we learn from this? Can we ask what might have happened to Iraq’s “Pharaoh” had we prayerfully partnered with the God of justice to bring him down, rather than through the violent means that have resulted in untold suffering and the loss of thousands of innocent lives? And dare we hope that the 2/11 event that happened recently in Egypt could set a precedent for similar liberations of a more peaceful kind?
      Biblical “salvation” is clearly about more than just being delivered from this present world and transported to another. Scripture is full of examples of God’s people being saved from disasters, from want, from injustices and oppression, and from their enemies, including their powerful Pharaohs and Caesars.
     And all of that without the use of violence to combat violence, a strategy that ignores the life and example of Jesus and only compounds the problem it is meant to address.
                                                                                                                                         - Harvey Yoder
Notes, prayers and praises

 * THE LENTEN SEASON, forty days of preparation for Easter, begins on Ash Wednesday, March 9.

 * HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ruth Stauffer 3/28, and welcome back to the Stauffers as they return from their month in MDS service!

 * TRISH LEVESQUE’s new address is 17600 14th Avenue North, Apt 127, Plymouth, MN 55447-2951.

 * FAMILY OF HOPE’S NEW BLOG SITE has updated newsletters and other info at <>. HARVEY’s blog is at <> with a link to the FOH site.

March Lectionary Readings:

2:6: Exodus 24:12-18, Psalm 2, 2 Peter 1:16-21, Matthew 17:1-9

2/13: Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7, Psalm 32, Romans 5:12-19, Matthew 4:1-11

2/20: Genesis 12:1-4a, Psalm 121, Romans 4:1-5, 13-17, John 3:1-17

2/27: Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42

March services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6                  
6 Location: Joyce Ulrich 1029 Shenandoah Street Apt 101 22802 246-1013
Worship and Sharing: James and Ruth Stauffer
Bible Study: “Speak to us From the Mountain” Harvey Yoder
Carry-in Meal

13 Location: James and Ruth Stauffer 1250 Parkway Dr 22802     574-6141
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: “Deliver us in Times of Temptation” Paul Swarr
Carry-in Meal

20 Location: Rachel Stoltzfus1359 TwoPenny Drive 22802           433-3983
Worship and Sharing:
Bible Study: “Grace us With Your Promises” Dick Dumas
Carry-in Meal

27 Location: Guy & Margie Vlasits 3448 Caverns Drive, K’town   908-0391
Worship and Sharing: Margie and Guy Vlasits
Bible Study: “Grant us Your Living Water” James Stauffer
Carry-in Meal

Sunday, January 30, 2011

February 2011 newsletter

Family of Hope House Church                                   


 * JAMES AND RUTH STAUFFER will be away on an MDS assignment from February 5 to.March 4. They can be contacted at Mennonite Disaster Service, 7900 Cedar Crest Camp Road, Lyles, TN 37098, 931-670-7409.

 * MICHAEL AND LOIS RIVIERA’S winter address while with us is 204 Holmes Lane, Staunton, VA 24401. Their phone is 502-525-8650.

 * JANUARY BIRTHDAYS were James Stauffer 1/8, Susan Campbell 1/17, Becky Morlan 1/28 and Dick Dumas 1/30. Sorry we omitted those last month!

 * TRISH LEVESQUE’s birthday is FEBRUARY 23, and her new address is 17600 14th Avenue North, Apt 127, Plymouth, MN 55447-2951

 * FAMILY OF HOPE’S BLOG SITE will have updated newsletter and other information. HARVEY’s blog is at <> with a link to the FOH site.


2:6: Isaiah 58:1-12 Psalm 112:1-10 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 Matthew 5:13-20
2/13: Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Psalm 119:1-8 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Matthew 5:21-37
2/20: Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18 Psalm 119:33-40 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23
Matthew 5:38-48
2/27: Isaiah 49:8-16a Psalm 131 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 Matthew 6:24-34

February services    worship at 4 pm, meal at 6      
6 Location: Paul and Bertha Swarr 1260 Parkway Dr 22802       574-6141
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: “A New Community” Paul Swarr
Carry-in Meal

13 Location: Rachel Stoltzfus  1359 TwoPenny Drive 22802         433-3983                        
Worship and Sharing: Karla May
Bible Study: “A New Law” Harvey Yoder
Carry-in Meal

20 Location: Guy & Margie Vlasits 3448 Caverns Drive, K’town  908-0391
Worship and Sharing: Margie and Guy Vlasits
Bible Study: “A New Life” Dick Dumas
Carry-in Meal

27 Location: Susan Campbell 1361 Lincolnshire Drive 22802      564-1524
Worship and Sharing: Susan Campbell
Bible Study: “A New Home”
Carry-in Meal

Family of Hope Directory covenanted (in bold) and associate or non-resident members
Leadership Team: Susan Campbell, treasurer, Karla May, secretary, James Stauffer, pastor, Harvey Yoder (540-432-0531), pastor, Roy Hange (434-296-5289), overseer

Atwell, Cathy
Blackburn, Gail
Campbell, Susan
Campbell, Karen
Dumas, Dick
Levesque, Trish      
May, Karla                  
Morlan, Becky
Stauffer, James & Ruth   
Stoltzfus, Rachel
Swarr, Paul & Bertha
Ulrich, Joyce
Vlasits, Guy & Margie
Yoder, Alma Jean & Harvey             
Zhou, Hong Yan (Jack) & Hu, Bo,
        Emily & Elianah