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Our doubts can lead us to a deeper faith. |
Here, See My Hands And Feet, And Touch My Side John 20:19-31
It's hard to live in a time of uncertainty, waiting for whatever may come next. What surprises may be in store?
Thomas and the other disciples find themselves unsure and anxious about their future, and find themselves wondering what will become of the cause to which they had devoted three years of their lives.
Here Thomas, especially, is at a loss about knowing how to go on from here, and is still waiting for more proof of his Master's resurrection. Jesus doesn't criticize him for his doubts and questions but understands his need for personally seeing and touching his crucified body, and invites him to reach out and touch him.
Can our doubts clarify our questions and create a greater receptacle for Christ's Spirit to fill? How can we, in our times of waiting and wondering, visualize being in the very presence of the risen Christ?
Jesus invites us to touch him, too, and to freely express our troubled thoughts and anxious feelings.
Go, Show And Tell The Resurrection Story Acts 2:14a-22-32
Having waited in Jerusalem for God's next miraculous surprise, Jesus's followers finally witness and personally experience a dramatic sign of resurrection life, the powerful breaking in of God's Holy Spirit.
Like believers in that time, we also grow in our faith by demonstrating new life and by sharing the resurrection story wherever we go. Here Peter, another apostle, boldly tells a gathered crowd how his experience of the risen Christ has totally transformed his life.
Also, in troubled times like these we, like Peter, need to reflect on scripture as Peter did, here quoting from Psalm 16:
"You have made known to me the paths of life;
You will fill me with joy in your presence."
In these two powerful verses Peter eagerly anticipates the promised inheritance that is ours because of Christ's death and resurrection. This is an integral part of the welcome good news he shares with believers he is addressing, churches who were suffering for being followers of Jesus.
Listen, And Remember Where Your Real Security Lies Psalm 16
Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge.
I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."
… Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure…
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