Monday, December 27, 2021

January 2022 newsletter


Family of Hope House Church           January 2022

The Holy Nativity In Mark’s Gospel

The Gospel of Mark begins not with Christ's birth, but with his baptism. Might it be that Mark saw this event as the more significant sign of God's "advent"?

     In Luke's birth account, the heavens open up with an angel's joyful announcement, followed by a multitude of heavenly hosts proclaiming "Glory to God! On earth peace and to all goodwill.” In the account of Jesus's baptism in Mark, the heavens open up with God"s Spirit breaking in in the form of a dove, accompanied by the inaugural announcement, "This is my Beloved, in whom I am well pleased"!

     Jesus is here experiencing his second “birth," not through the water of Mary's womb but in the Spirit-drenched baptismal water of the Jordan, where his Hebrew ancestors crossed over into their new life and new liberation as God's free-at-last people, as a sign of the coming of heaven’s reign on earth.

     In our present violence-prone world, as then, God hovers over us with Dove-power rather than bursting in with the scream of an eagle. Jesus comes as Lamb, and becomes Spirit-filled as Dove. He comes as prey rather than predator, as Life-giving Redeemer rather than as Warrior and Conqueror. But in the end, it is the power of God's grace and truth that conquers and prevails.

    Such is Advent. Such is Lent. Such is baptism and new birth. Such is the power of divine suffering and resurrection, of Good Friday and of Easter. And of Christmas.

     Feliz Navidad! The Lord has come!             -- Harvey Yoder

Notes, Prayers and Praises

KAREN CAMPBELL is now in Room 55 at Harrisonburg Health and Rehab Center (cell number is 540,209-2675). We are grateful for recent answered prayers for numerous health and other concerns!

PRAY FOR MARGIE VLASITS’s surgery set for January 18.

JANUARY BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to James Stauffer 1/8, Susan Campbell 1/17,  Becky Morlan 1/28, and Dick Dumas 1/30, and blessings on Lewis and Mary Ellen's anniversary is January 13!

WE WILL HAVE OUR ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING Sunday January 30. We will approve our church giving plan for 2021 and discuss future meeting plans. Our giving this year is down from previous years, but we have been able to meet all budgeted amounts.

THE WALKING ROOTS BAND Christmas Concert at the EMS auditorium to benefit MCC netted over $60,000!

January Lectionary Texts

2  Jesus Says “Come and See!” John 1:35-51  Psalm 66:1-5

9  Wedding at Cana John 2:1-11  Psalm 104:14-16

16 Jesus Cleanses the Temple John 2:13-25  Psalm 127:1-2 

23 Nicodemus John 3:1-21  Psalm 139:13-18

30 The Woman at the Well John 4:1-42  Psalm 42:1-3

January Services, 4-5:30 pm 

2 Location: on line 

Worship and sharing: Lois Rivera-Wenger

Bible Study: Kent Palmer

9 Location: on line

Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson

Bible Study: Dick Dumas

16 Location: Guy and Margie Vlasits

Worship and Sharing: Lewis Overholt

Bible Study: Harvey Yoder

23 Location: on line 

Worship and Sharing: Lois Wenger

Bible Study: Elly Nelson

30 Location: on line Harvey Yoder and Susan Campbell
Worship, Sharing and annual business meeting  

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Brief Business meeting after the 12/26/21 service

Present: Dick Dumas, Elly Nelson, Kent Palmer, Lewis and Mary Ellen Overholt, Lois Rivera-Wenger, James and Ruth Stauffer, Paul Swarr, Harvey and Alma Jean Yoder

Susan, our treasurer, needs to know how we want the annual $500 special missionary support fund to be allocated. It was agreed by consensus that we allocate it the same way as we did last year, including to Jonathan Bylers with Wycliffe and Gracie and Yugo with Servants to the Asian Poor.

Faith in Action is requesting that we increase our $200 contribution if possible this year as members of that organization. It was agreed by consensus to have Susan send $250 from the Discretionary Fund to Faith in Action, P.O. Box 964, Harrisonburg, VA 22803.

Harvey Yoder