House to House
Family of Hope House Church August 2020
Matthew's Torah Mountain
- Harvey Yoder
We’re not told exactly where in Galilee Jesus delivered his inaugural sermon in Matthew 5-7, but the Sinai-like peak that has become known as the Mount of Beatitudes near Capernaum could well be the place.
In the manner of rabbis instructing their followers, Jesus "sat down and taught" what we know as the “Sermon on the Mount.” A large crowd listened in, marveling at the authority (exousia) with which he spoke.
At the end of Matthew's gospel Jesus instructed his disciples to again meet with him at a specified mountain in Galilee to charge them with what we know as the "Great Commission”.
"I have been given all authority (exousia)," Jesus says, "therefore wherever you go, make disciples of all peoples, initiating them into God's worldwide rule and instructing them to obey all I have commanded you."
In recent centuries there has been much emphasis on Jesus' mandate to "go into all the world" to evangelize and to baptize, but there have been few examples of missionaries actually teaching people such commands as "do not return evil for evil" and "do not lay up treasures here on earth", as found in the Sermon on the Mount.
Early Christians were convinced that Jesus first and his final instructions were seamlessly linked. Thus the church in the first centuries was known for teaching their members (with authority) to shun all forms of violence and to sacrificially share their possession with those in need.
We need to follow their example.
Notes, Prayers and Praises
WE NOW MEET ONLINE Sundays from 4-5:30. For a phone connection (audio only) dial 646-876-9923. For video click on Problems? Call 574-606-8917.
WE WILL BE STUDYING THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT in August and September. Dorothy Jean Weaver, retired Professor of New Testament at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, will introduce us to the book of Matthew August 2. She is the author of The Irony of Power: The Politics of God within Matthew's Narrative.
BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Kent Palmer August 10! Alma Jean and Harvey Yoder’s anniversary is August 8 and James and Ruth Stauffer’s is August 30. Congratulations!
PLEASE SAVE YOUR CHANGE (and bills) for My Coins Count!
IN AN ACTION TAKEN SUNDAY, July 6, the church agreed by consensus to have Ellie be our Everence congregational representative, with Susan serving as co-representative. Thanks, Ellie and Susan, and thanks, James Stauffer, for your many faithful years in this role.
IN AN ACTION TAKEN SUNDAY, July 6, the church agreed by consensus to have Ellie be our Everence congregational representative, with Susan serving as co-representative. Thanks, Ellie and Susan, and thanks, James Stauffer, for your many faithful years in this role.
August Study “A Declaration of God-Dependence”
2 Introduction to Matthew’s gospel
9 Matthew 5:1-12
16 Matthew 5:13-20
23 Mathew 5:21-26
30 Matthew 5:27-32
August Services, 4-5:30 pm
2 Location: on line
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Dorothy Jean Weaver
9 Location: on line
Worship and sharing: Lois Rivera-Wenger
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder
16 Location: on line
Worship and Sharing: Lewis Overholt
Bible Study: Elly Nelson
23 Location: on line
Worship and sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Kent Palmer
30 Location: on line
Worship and sharing: James Stauffer
Bible Study: Dick Dumas