Family of Hope House Church April 2020
“It will not always be as it is now”
Devotional writer James Baer tells about a Russian family he visited years ago who had the words, “It will not always be as it is now” written in large print on a placard on their dining room wall.
It turns out that years before the father had spent years in a Soviet prison for refusing to enlist in the Russian army because of his conviction that as a Christian he could take part in war. It was then that the mother had written these words and posted them as a sign of hope for herself and her children, trusting that one day their father would return and things would be better.
When the father was finally released and life greatly improved, some friends asked why she had not removed the words from her wall. Her reply was simply, “Because it’s still true that “It will not always be as it is now.’”
Just as in times of stress, as in today’s corona virus infection, we need hope, so when things are going well we need to remember that all nations, economies and cultures will eventually face crises and tragedies of one kind or another, and that things can change rapidly, for the better or worse.
Meanwhile, we need to have a heart that suffers with those experiencing illness and loss, and do everything we can to offer them help, just as we would have others offer us if we were in similar straits.
- Harvey Yoder
Notes, Prayers and Praises
- FAMILY OF HOPE WILL BE MEETING ONLINE Sundays from 4-6 on a temporary basis. Here’s the number if you want to dial in on the phone as you would for a conference call (audio only): (646) 876-9923. Enter Meeting ID when prompted: 284 926 9967 (participant number does not matter). If you want to participate via video click this link: Thanks to Kent Palmer for setting this up. Contact him if you have any problems.
- WE WILL CONTINUE TO POST LECTIONARY TEXTS for each Sunday, likely followed by a series based a book of the Bible. Philippians is a possibility for after Easter, but your suggestions are welcome.
- PRAY FOR NEAL NELSON who suffered a knee injury from a fall at Envoy of Staunton Nursing Home.
April Lectionary Texts
5 Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 31:9-16 Philippians 2:5-11 Matthew 27:11-54
12 Acts 10:34-43 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-18
19 Acts 2:14a, 22-32 Psalm 16 1 Peter 1:3-9 John 20:19-31
26 Acts 2:14a, 36-41 Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 1 Peter 1:17-23 Luke 24:13-35
April services, 4 pm
5 Location: on line
Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson (focus on Passover)
Bible Study: Roy Hange
12 Easter Sunday location: on line
Worship and sharing: Lois Rivera-Wenger
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder
19 Location: on line
19 Location: on line
Worship and Sharing: Lewis Overholt
Bible Study: Elly Nelson
26 Location: on line
Worship and sharing: Kent Palmer
Bible Study: Dick Dumas