Family of Hope House Church September2019
Imagination Can Fuel Either Faith Or Fear
In light of the many uncertainties we face in our future, our imaginations inevitably fill in gaps with details we have no way of knowing, thus either adding to our fear or enhancing our faith.
In times like these, it's not hard to imagine a lot of things in our world or in our personal lives coming to some unfortunate end. And it’s not hard to see that we naturally become far more anxious when we spend the majority of our time ruminating on that fear end of the spectrum, imagining all manner of worst case scenarios. In accordance with 'Murphy's Law' we assume that whatever can go wrong, will go wrong, most likely terribly wrong.
On the other hand, when we are operating within the faith end of the spectrum, we are visualizing better than expected outcomes. This doesn't mean we don't recognize the possibility of things turning out badly, but we don't see those outcomes as being inevitable. By faith, we see bad things as less likely to happen than good, and trust that as a people of God, the odds are truly in our favor.
So what if we made a practice of occasionally spending some time prayerfully preparing for the worst, but devoting the majority of our time picturing things turning out reasonably well--and ultimately very well.
And to believe that even if bad things happen, we will never have to face them alone, and that God, and God's people, will help us through whatever comes.
Until the very, very best finally comes.
- Harvey Yoder
Notes, Prayers and Praises
- KENT PALMER will have his surgery at UVA September 12. Please pray for a good recovery.
- SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Lewis Overholt (9/5), and David Weaver (9/23)!
- MY COINS COUNT Drive is on until the October 4-5 Relief Sale. Bring coins and cash to church for this project.
- PLEASE SUPPORT the SOS (Sharing Our Surplus) campaign at the Relief Sale October 4-5 to raise money for refugee relief worldwide.
September Lectionary Texts
1 Jeremiah 2:4-13 Proverbs 25:6-7 Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 Luke 14:1-14
8 Jeremiah 18:1-11 Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Philemon 1:1-21 Luke 14:25-33
15 Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 Psalm 14 Exodus 32:7-14 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-10
22 Jeremiah 8:18-9:1 Amos 8:4-7 Psalm 113 1 Timothy 2:1-7 Luke 16:1-13
29 Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15 Amos 6:1a, 4-7 Psalm 146 1 Timothy 6:6-19
Luke 16:19-31
September services, worship at 4, meal at 6 pm
1 Location: Park Place meeting room, 2nd floor 432-0531
Worship and sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Paul Swarr Brown bag meal
8 Location: Lois Rivera-Wenger 204 Homes Lane, S’tn 502-663-3195
Worship and Sharing: Lois Rivera-Wenger
Bible Study: Kent Palmer Shared picnic meal
15 NOTE: We will meet with the Table Congregation at Community Mennonite at 4:30 pm for a joint session with guests Grace and Yugo Prasetyo, missionaries in a slum area where many make their living salvaging items from a large landfill in Jakarta, Indonesia. Carry in meal
22 Location: Family Life Resource Center 273 Newman Ave. 432-0531
Worship and Sharing: James Stauffer
Bible Study: Dick Dumas Brown bag meal
29 Guy & Margie Vlasits 3399 Caverns Dr., Keezletown 906-0391
Worship and sharing: Elly Nelson
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder Carry in meal