Family of Hope House Church April 2017
Should we continue using lectionary texts?
There have been questions raised about whether or why we should be following the lectionary texts. They are selections of scriptures that are used by many churches all over the world, but I can see where some may feel unduly bound by them, although we've never intended them to be other than the following:
* A way of making sure we don't just pick our favorite passages from the Bible and ignore other parts that we may not be as drawn to.
* A way of providing balance between an emphasis on Old Testament and New Testament texts.
* A way of sharing with each other, and with believers everywhere, a common focus for our learning and sharing.
Having said that, we don't expect those who lead our studies to feel confined to these texts, any more that we would expect a Sunday School teacher to only follow the prescribed lesson in a S.S. quarterly. Every person has the right to go in whatever direction they feel led.
If we decide together to chose other selected book studies from the Bible, or to simply let each teacher select topics of their own choosing, we can certainly do so. Meanwhile, it does seem good to encourage everyone to be reading and studying some of the same scriptures beforehand and to be prepared to bring their insights to add for the benefit of all.
Tell me what you think.
- Harvey Yoder
Notes, prayers and praises
- WE INVITE EVERYONE to a time of special prayer and fasting during this season of Lent.
- JOIN IN A NOON GOOD FRIDAY WALK April 14, starting at Blessed Sacrament Church and ending at St. Stephens UCC.
- APRIL BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Bertha Swarr 4/13 and Cathy Atwell 4/19 (Sorry, we missed noting Ruth Stauffer’s on March 28!).
April lectionary readings
2 Ezekiel 37:1-14 Psalm 130 Romans 8:6-11 John 11:1-45
9 Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Matthew 21:1-11; 27:11-54
16 Jeremiah 31:1-9 Colossians 3:1-4 Acts 10:34-43 Luke 24:13-35
23 Acts 2:14a, 22-32 Psalm 16 1 Peter 1:3-9 John 20:19-31
30 Acts 2:36-41 Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 1 Peter 1:17-23 Matthew 28
April services, worship at 4, meal at 6
2 Location: Park Place, second floor meeting room 564-3716
Worship and Sharing: Paul Swarr
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder Light meal of sandwiches and fresh fruit
9 Location: Family Life Resource Center 273 Newman Ave 432-0531
Worship and Sharing: James Stauffer
Bible Study: Lewis Overholt Finger foods meal
16 Easter Service Guy Vlasits 1260 Parkway Drive, H’burg 269-6706
Worship and Study: Jeremiah 31:1-9 & Colossians 3:1-4; James and Ruth
Stauffer; Luke 24:13-35, Guy Vlasits; Acts 10:34-43, Dick Dumas
Carry-in meal
23 Location: Virginia Mennonite Conference Center
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Ken Horst, Virginia Mennonite Missions Soup only meal
30 Location: Family Life Resource Center 273 Newman Ave 432-0531
Worship and Sharing: Susan Campbell
Bible Study: Elly Nelson Finger foods meal