Thursday, October 3, 2024

October 2024 services

6 at Guy Vlasits, Apartment 507, Park Gables
Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder

13 service via Zoom
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Dick Dumas

20 at Crestwood
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Elly Nelson

27 location to be determined 
Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson
Bible Study: Dick Dumas

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

September 2024 services

1 at Crestwood
Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder

8 service via Zoom
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Dick Dumas

15 at Crestwood
Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder

22 location to be determined 
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Elly Nelson

29 no FOH service, members are encouraged to visit a congregation of their choice

Friday, August 23, 2024

A Beautiful Piece By Our Own Resident Poet

 I post this with Elly Nelson's kind permission:

And the Eagle Said…

I will rise above the grassy meadow, spiraling effortlessly upward with such grace you

will stand agape with awe;

above the grasses and the clacking yellow aspens,

above the tallest pines, where secrets you have never heard are whispered on the wind.

Higher and higher will I rise ‘til I am but a speck in your sight,

and higher still.

and you may wonder if I were but a dreamed thing after all.

I will ride the empyrean paths known only to me and God;

rising on drafts of earth-warmed air, higher even than the hawk,

climbing slowly, banking gently, my outstretched wings like burnished gold.

Yet, I will see you there below, with these eyes that see what you cannot;

wishing yourself with me,

hoping I will return…in time.

I know your little wings ofttimes beat frantically against life’s storms beyond this meadow,

Powerless ‘twould seem,

and because you stand there yet, waiting with hope in your heart, with a silent cry so

profound to see again these wings sweeping the air in power and joy, I will return.

I will gather my golden wings tightly to my sides and dip my head toward the sunlit meadow.

For the joy of seeing the wonder in your eyes,

I will speed toward you like an arrow shot from God’s own bow.

What is it then, that stirs you so to look upon this broad-winged golden bird?

Is it the power I have to rise and soar? Is it the freedom in peace to just be?

Would you have me lift you from the tethers of the earth, perhaps to glimpse eternity?

I would. For you I would, But the power you suppose I have is not of me.

I am but a bird, however grand, made and powered by the self-same hand that made

thee—small-winged only in your blindness, unable to soar, by a prison self-imposed.

It is another who has the power you seek, another who can lift you on His golden wings, if

You but ask.

It is the Holy One, the Lamb, who waits to show you flight beyond the stars,

beyond yourself, beyond whatever tiny dream you dream eternity might be.

Even as you stand there in a grassy meadow, longing to soar, yearning to set free your soul,

I see Him there beside you, waiting for you to ask Him to set you free, to teach you,

and guide you and support you lest you fall. Ask. Ask. For only on His wings are you

truly free.

©1967 Ellyn Louise Ades ©1968 Ellyn Ades Marshall ©2003-present Ellyn Marshall-Nelson

Saturday, July 27, 2024

August 2024 services

August 4 at Crestwood
Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson
Bible Study: Harvey Yoder

11 via Zoom
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Elly Nelson

18 at Crestwood
Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson
Bible Study: Dick Dumas

25 via Zoom 
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Elly Nelson

Sunday, June 30, 2024

July 2024 services

July 7 at Crestwood
Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson
Bible Study: Dick Dumas

14 via Zoom
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Elly Nelson

21 at Crestwood
Worship, Bible Study and Communion: Harvey Yoder

28 via Zoom 
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study: Dick Dumas

Thursday, May 30, 2024

June 2024 services

 Services are from 3:30-5:00 pm

June 2 at Crestwood
Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson
Bible Study, Harvey Yoder

9 via Zoom
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study, Dick Dumas

16 at Crestwood
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study, Elly Nelson

23 No service to a conflict with the Faithful Men singing group at VMRC at 4 and Harvey and Alma Jean having a reunion at 4 pm of people associated with Western Mennonite School.

30 No service on a fifth Sunday. We encourage people to attend some other service in the community of their choice on the fifth Sunday of a month.

Friday, May 10, 2024

May 2024 services

Services are from 3:30-5:00 pm

May 5 at Crestwood
Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson
Bible Study, Harvey Yoder

12 via Zoom
Worship and Sharing: Harvey Yoder
Bible Study, Dick Dumas

19 at Heritage Haven
Celebrating Pentecost with Biblical Story Tellers at Detwiler Auditorium
Bible Study, Elly Nelson in the Hertiage Haven conference room 

26 via Zoom
Worship and Sharing: Elly Nelson
Bible Study, Harvey Yoder